The Church Is the People, 2024

Combining the quilt form Prideful Prejudice and performance form Progressive Company, The Church Is The People examines the crossroads of racism, white fragility, tradition, and religion at a lack of empathy. Seeking a better understanding of the deeply rooted beliefs that are used to as a veil to cover systematic oppression, I place the viewer in all too familiar seen from my childhood.

Being raised baptist I was always told the church wasn’t the building, but instead it was the people that attended that were the church. It was also said that the church loved everybody but all I ever saw were a lot of familiar white faces. Were the people still the church when they went to their jobs at the police station? Where the kids the church when they played and didn’t pay attention to God or the pastor? Were the people still the church when their careers, lives, and “safety” where built off of systematic oppression of minority groups? Who was the church and were they the racists?


Prideful Prejudice